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Style: Paper Formatting Guidelines


National Taiwan University Philosophical Review
Paper Formatting Guidelines


I. Main text

A. Writing

(A) Please write in a horizontal format.

(B) Papers written in Chienese should use traditional instead of simplified characters.

B. Chapters

(A) For Chinese-language papers, please organize the paper as follows: 壹、一、(一) 1. (1) a. (a) etc.

(B) For western-language papers, please organize the paper as follows: I. A. (A) 1. (1) a. (a), etc.

C. Sections

(A) Indent the first line of each paragraph by two Chinese characters.

(B) When citing other texts, short citations can be directly included in the text. Chinese-language papers should use 「 」, and Western-language papers should use “ ” for citations.

(C) Block quotations should be their own paragraph, with each line indented by three Chinese characters.

D. Quotations

(A) When quoting with a colon “:”, use 「 」 for Chinese quotation marks and “ ” for Western quotation marks.

(B) When quoting without a colon “:”, use 「 」 for Chinese quotation marks and “ ” for Western quotation marks.

(C) If there are quotations within the citation, use the double quotation mark 『 』within the Chinese single quotation mark 「 」; use the single quotation mark ‘ ’ within the Western double quotation mark “ ”.

(D) Do not use quotation marks for block quotes.

E. Symbols for books and journal articles

(A) Use 《 》 for Chinese book titles and journal names.

(B) Use 〈 〉 for articles and chapter titles in Chinese.

(C) When the title of the book is used together with the title of the chapter, the chapter symbol is omitted, such as in 《史記‧項羽本紀》.

(D) Italicize the titles of Western-language books and use quotation marks “ ” for chapter titles and articles.

F. Appending original text

(A) When citing Western names, works, and proper nouns, please translate them into Chinese as much as possible.

(B) The full name of the original should be included in parentheses when citing the name of a Western person, work, or technical terms for the first time, but it is not necessary to include this in subsequent citations.

G. Dates

(A) If a Chinese dynasty name is mentioned in the text, please use Chinese characters and use parentheses to indicate the BC/AD years, such as 明正德十六年(1521).

(B) Use Arabic numerals for western dates, such as Dong Zhongshu (176-104 B.C.).

H. Annotations

(A) When citing the source in the text of the article, please cite it in the format of (author, year/abbreviation: page), e.g.: (Fine, 1994: 7-9), (Kant, KRV: 25(B)).

(B) If you want to indicate the source, and the text has already mentioned the author’s name, you can also cite it in the format of (year: page number), such as: “Fine pointed out …, … (1994: 11).”.

I. Abbreviations, chart names, and annotation placements

(A) Conventional abbreviations may be used, but they must be clearly marked in the bibliographical references.

(B) Table names should be above the table, and table notes should be below the table. Figure names and legends should both be below the figure. Charts should be placed within the main text instead of in footnotes or an appendix.


II. References

Sources cited in the text should be included in the references; those not cited in the text should not be included.


A. Arrangement and order

(A) Chinese sources and Western sources should be separated and arranged according to the number of strokes and alphabetical order of the author’s surname, respectively.

(B) Different papers from the same author should be arranged in order of publication date.

(C) For different publications published in the same year, lowercase English letters should be added after the year, according to chronological order.

(D) For publications from the same author, except for the first article, where the author’s full name must be listed, the rest should be replaced by three hyphens — instead of the author’s name.

B. List of abbreviations

The abbreviations of citations may be listed after each abbreviated entry, or also altogether at the beginning of the bibliography.

C. Format

Please list the references in the following format.

1. Journal articles

Chinese journal articles: 作者(年代)。〈論文標題〉,《期刊名》,卷,期數:頁碼。

For example: 王文方(2007)。〈虛擬條件句理論述評〉,《國立臺灣大學哲學論評》,33:133-182。

Western journal articles: Author’s last name, author’s first name (Year). “Title of the article.” Title of the Periodical, series number, volume number: page numbers.

For example: LePore, Ernest., Loewer, Barry (1987). “Mind Matter.” Journal of Philosophy, 84: 630-71.

2. Book Chapters

Chinese Book Chapters: 作者(年代)。〈論文標題〉,編者(編),《書名》,頁碼。出版地:出版者。

For example: 張旺山(2001)。〈行動人與歷史世界的建造:論狄爾泰的「生命的詮釋學」〉,黃俊傑(編),《中國經典詮釋傳統(一):通論篇》,51-75。臺北市:喜馬拉雅基金會。

Western book chapters: Author’s last name, author’s first name (Year). “Title of the article.” Editor(s) (ed.). Title of the book (page numbers). Place of Publication: Publisher.

For example: Haugeland, John (2002). “Heidegger on Being a Person.” Hebert Dreyfus (ed.). Heidegger Reexamined (vol.1): Dasein, Authenticity, and Death (73-84). New York: Routledge.

3. Books

Chinese books: 作者(年代)。《書名》。出版地:出版者。

For example: 牟宗三(1983)。《心體與性體》。臺北:正中書局。

Western books: Author’s last name, author’s first name (Year). Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher.

For example: Allison, Henry E. (2001). Kant’s Theory of Taste: A Reading of the Critique of Aesthetic Judgment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

4. Ancient classics – Arranged according to the dynasties in which the books were written, with different ancient classics of the same dynasties arranged according to the number of strokes in the author’s name

Original version of ancient classics: 作者(朝代)。《古籍標題》(版本說明),卷。」

For example: 劉向(清)。《列女傳》(道光17年振綺堂原雕,同治13年補刊,梁端校讀本),卷2。

Copies of ancient classics:作者(朝代)。《古籍標題》(出版地:出版者,出版日期,複印版本),卷。

For example: 王鳴盛(清)。《十七史商榷》(臺北:樂天,1972,影廣雅書局本),卷12。

5. Conference papers

Chinese conference papers: 作者(年.月)。〈論文標題〉,「研討會名稱」。地點:主辦單位。

For example: 陳文團(2004.04)。〈馬克斯的正義與薪資分配制度〉,「馬克斯的正義研討會」。北京:北京清華大學。

Western conference papers: Author’s last name, author’s first name (Year. Date). “Title of the article.” Paper presented at the Name of the Conference, Place.

For example: Tran Van Doan (2006.11). “Harmony as the Principle of Eco-Ethics.” Paper presented at The 25th International Conference on Eco-Ethics. Denmark: University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen.

6. PhD dissertation

Chinese PhD dissertation: 作者(年代)。《論文標題》。博士論文。發表地點(學校及科系名稱)。」

For example: 林雅萍(2008)。《意識、觀視與德行─梅朵論道德能動性》。博士論文。臺北:臺灣大學哲學系。

Western PhD dissertation: Author’s last name, author’s first name (Year). Title of the dissertation. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Name of the University, Place.

For example: Carlo Kwan (1985). The Dimension of Time in Mythology. Doctoral Dissertation of Philosophy. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Louvain.

7. Electronic publication

Chinese electronic publications: 作者(年代)。〈文件標題〉,文件發表日期。電子出版品的出版資訊(出版平台名稱,主編,出版單位)。資料取得方式(取得日期,<網址>)。

For example: 凡國棟(2009)。〈也說《凡物流形》之「月之有軍(暈)」〉,2009年1月3日。《武漢簡帛網》,陳偉主編,武漢大學:武漢大學簡帛研究中心。2009年4月17日,<>。

Western electronic publications: Author’s last name, author’s first name (Year). “Title of the Document.” Information of Electronic Publication. Access Information (Date of access, ).

For example: Ross, Don (1997). “Game Theory.” 25 Jan. 1997. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edward N. Zalta(ed.), Stanford University: Center for Study of Language and Information. 1 Oct. 2002, <>.