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Is Euthanasia as Defined by the Catholic Church Intrinsece Malum?


The Catholic Church maintains that euthanasia is intrinsece malum (intrinsic evil), that is, an immoral act under any circumstance. Based on the discussion of ethical act theory, this article conducts a dialogue and debate with the Catholic viewpoint, and puts forward a different position. The article is divided into four parts. The first part is the background explanation of the issue. It first explains the different concepts used by secular world on relevant issues that are different from those of the Catholic Church and its increasingly liberal stance, and then proposes the Catholic definition of euthanasia and the Catholic position that euthanasia is an intrinsic evil. Readers will get a sense of the controversy and tension of the issue from such comparisons. The second part explains the argument underlying the Catholic position, that is, its ethical act theory with the so-called "tres fontes moralitatis". The third part is the systematic core discussion of the article concerning the ethical act theory as such. Since the Catholic ethical act theory is derived from St. Thomas’ theory, the article first elaborates his point of view, and then criticizes and reflects on the Catholic ethical act theory. Finally, based on the conclusion of the third part, the fourth and last part argues that euthanasia as defined by the Catholic Church is probably not intrinsically evil.


Euthanasia, Intrinsece Malum, Ethical Act Theory, Tres Fontes Moralitatis, Patient Autonomy